среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

FED: Bowen calls on Nelson to back FuelWatch or form own scheme

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Bowen calls on Nelson to back FuelWatch or form own scheme

SYDNEY, April 16 AAP - The federal government has called on the opposition to back
the national FuelWatch scheme or form its own plan to deliver lower petrol prices.

Competition Policy Minister Chris Bowen defended the scheme today amid criticism from
the opposition and motoring groups, saying FuelWatch might not be a "silver bullet" solution
but would deliver savings for motorists.

FuelWatch, announced yesterday, will force petrol stations to publish their prices
for the following 24-hour period at 2pm each day, in a bid to give motorists more choice.

It is similar to a scheme already operating in Western Australia, and a report from
the competition watchdog has said it could shave two cents a litre off the price of petrol.

Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson has criticised the scheme, saying people who
currently buy fuel on Tuesdays, when prices are normally lower, will be worse off under

Mr Bowen told reporters he was disappointed the opposition had moved so quickly to
dismiss FuelWatch.

"There always will be cheaper days to buy petrol (under the scheme)," he said.

"Either Mr (opposition competition spokesman Peter) Dutton and Dr Nelson need to produce
their plan to reduce petrol prices to introduce competition, or they need to back ours,"

he said.

"They need to give Australian motorists certainty that this scheme will pass the Australian
parliament with their support. Without their support it will be much harder to get it
through the Senate."

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