NSW; Police to appeal against paedophiles security licence
NSW Police Commissioner KEN MORONEY will appeal against a decision to allow a convictedpaedophile a licence to work for a security firm that guards 300 public schools.
The Administrative Decisions Tribunal has granted child sex offender KEVIN GEORGE JACOBSa security licence.
The tribunal found JACOBS, who served two years' imprisonment for sexual acts withtwo 14-year-old boys, was not disqualified from holding a security licence.
Mr MORONEY's told radio 2GB he's lodged an appeal and instructed police prosecutorsto proceed with it.
The police chief says it's an important issue and it goes to the heart of the verysafety and wellbeing of the community.
Mr MORONEY says police are about clearing up the security industry and making surethat those who hold licences are fit and proper people.
Applicants are normally disqualified if they have been convicted of an assault offencein the previous 10 years or are deemed to be unfit to hold a security licence by the policecommissioner.
AAP RTV lb/hn/rsm/rp
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