четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Embryonic research stems to more problems

Fed: Embryonic research stems to more problems

By Vera Devai

BRISBANE, April 4 AAP - Prime Minister John Howard had opened a Pandora's box by allowingembryonic stem cell research, a bioethicist said today.

Mr Howard said today he would write to the premiers proposing that the commonwealthand states allow surplus IVF embryos to be used for stem cell research.

World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life spokesman Dr David van Gend saidallowing IVF surplus embryos to be used for stem cell research was just the beginningof more "potential nightmare scenarios."

"I just hope we have strong enough bolts to keep this lid down on this Pandora's box," he said.

"If we have allowed it to open this far the challenge will be to say how then can westop the logical flow towards using cloned embryos for stem cells which the scientistshave stated they want."

Mr Howard said the use of embryos for stem cell research would be governed by carefullycrafted and important regulations and would be overseen by the National Health and MedicalResearch Council (NHMRC).

Dr van Gend said the Queensland and NSW governments had already tried to pass a billlast year which allowed the cloning of human embryos for the purpose of research.

They later withdrew the bill after much controversy but would try to push the issueat the Council of Australian Governments meeting tomorrow.

"They (the scientists) have declared that they want to go to the next step of deliberatelycreating cloned embryos for stem cells," Dr van Gend said.

NSW Premier Bob Carr said he would lobby other state premiers to boycott any proposednational guidelines on stem cell research if the scientific community deems them too restrictive.

"How will we resist that now that we are allowing embryos to be destroyed in IVF,"

Dr van Gend said.

"I think we have in principle agreed to the going down the path of full cloning andcreation of a child as a manufactured product rather than an equal human being."

AAP ved/sc/ns/de


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